24 April 2008

i hate doctors, part two

still unable to obtain a malaria Rx. my travel clinic is unable to write one, so i made an appointment with another doctor (unable to accept my insurance, but will to accept a large sum of cash for a consultation) who MAY be able to write me a Rx. i have even gone so far to ask my ob/gyn for a Rx - she'll be calling back today. (her receptionist said the doctor would write me one if i were pregnant. thanks for rubbing in my lack of love life...AGAIN, people!) i have looked online for "black market" pharmacies. i have considered contacting my EX for a Rx. i now have a coworker asking his aussie friends if i can buy the stuff on the island, once i arrive.

let's just face it. i'm heading into a malaria infested country without protection. that's gross.

thanks dr. brown! and by the way, i totally filed a complaint against his unprofessional ass. die berkeley hippies!!!

and the sobering reality of this adventure is i am ultimately spending more money on pills and shots than i am on hotel rooms during this trip.

ok...serenity now. where's my crystal?

1 comment:

Marcy said...

Yeah, but think of what you'd be spending on doctors, meds, and hospitals if you caught one of these nasty germs. =(