28 May 2007

whirlwind of fun! not really.

i just got back from scottsdale. pulled in at 1230 am last night after a pretty smooth 7-hour drive. i blazed the empty freeways on two espresso shots and a double-sized sugar free rock star. yum! and then i get home and couldn't fall asleep. at least it was cool. i like hot weather, but az has now hit the "ridculously hot" phase. just being alive in that heat makes you drag. so, my niece graduated from high school last thursday (which is why i went to az). my little brother graduates from high school in two weeks. i graduate in three weeks. see something funny going on here?

i have to be out of my room by friday morning. i just found out a few days ago, so i had to cut my memorial day weekend short. i have been packing all day today. i'm tired. i have assignments still due this week so need tomorrow to work on them, and then i have class all day. thursday, my stuff goes into storage. then i crash on the couch for a week. then i drive to vegas for the weekend. i think. then i drive to reno for a job interview. (yes, reno.) i think. then i drive to the fostino's. pretty sure about this one. (i'm not walking at commencement, peeps.) then i drive to wa to help my parents pack because they just sold their house. at the end of june: homeless, jobless, penniless...possibly friendless after i abuse all my couch-surfing privileges. i hope to use my free plane ticket to travel during july, but at the rate i'm going, i can only plan a few weeks in advance and stay sane. july is too far out.

for the rest of today, i will rest. i am going to watch 'casino royale' and read a great book recommended by my sister, 'the other boleyn girl.' it's good...i can't put it down. maybe i'll also nap...(yawn)

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