28 July 2008

pancake batter

i have decided that my move to arizona would be for ME. california is played out. as my yoga teacher says when we lie on our mats, jiggle around like you're pancake batter and fill in the cracks -- makes for greater comfort. i've attempted this strategy while in california since 1999 and i cannot fill in the cracks and get comfortable. sure, i take that chance i will not get comfortable in arizona, but it sure ain't happening in california, so in a sense i have nothing to lose. literally. i have NOTHING in california except a rent payment and a job that has officially consumed me. oh, and some baggage i would like to ditch. and besides, in arizona, i will be within driving distance of my sisters and mom, so if the going gets tough, i can just complain to them -- in person, for once. that's a novelty. :)

1 comment:

Marcy said...

Aw, well we'll miss you! You know, like we already do. But I certainly understand all too well the desire to be closer to moms and sisters. I'm beyond excited that (my sister) Jenny's in San Francisco now so she'll get to come hang out with us on a regular basis once we're back.