21 February 2008

HB to me!!!

how many times have i said i'll get better at this blog thing? hmm...

so, uh...today's my birthday! i'm 32. i feel so much older and sophisticated overnight! not really.

so quick update. (really, i want to get better at this blog thing.) i am working as an environmental engineer. i never ditched the "engineer" title. i think that's a sign or something. i must remain an engineer...but of what? an engineer of productive field days? an engineer of feng shui?! an engineer of happy thoughts! that's what i'll be. so...new job today. well, the job that actually pays the bills is going well. i spent a lot of time in the field. it's fun and satisfying, but hella tiring. i am also getting involved with a few litigation cases which involve big name players. i am so bummed i cannot tell you about them! very exciting. i essentially get to stick it to some dirty corporations. :) what else? i learned to knit. my sister is a master knitter, and she taught me. i've completed one scarf and working on another. after my third, i'm moving onto beanies. i am also exploring green investments these days...trying to walk the talk.

1 comment:

ThatBeeGirl said...

hippo birdies to you, gina!
hope you have a great day!