25 October 2008

desperately seeking hobbies

i walked over to the trader joe's at lake merritt today to grab some fish. i was advised during my "pulse reading" this morning at the farmers market that i need to "build up my blood" with omega-3, so i took heed and went for a walk. along the way, i stumbled upon the prop 8 opponents that have diligently occupied our street corners for the past week, but then i also noticed some different signs out there. wait, could those be...the PRO-ponents? they DO exist! (for non-cali folk, prop 8 is denying same sex couples the right to legally marry.) yes folks, the 'yes' signs and the 'no' signs were all over the place today. horns were honking. people were yelling at each other. the cops showed up. frankly, i was expecting a riot to break out. the energy was ripe for one! but something much more interesting was going on, which was my reaction to those 'yes' signs. usually i am all for other peoples' opinions and free speech and whatnot, as long as you're not hurting anyone or yourself, etc. but those people holding those 'yes' signs really upset me! they didn't piss me off as much as they truly disturbed me. (did i mention that 75% of them were under the age of 18?) these people were OOZING hatred. walking past them, i literally felt the negative vibes pinching me. it was quite frightening. so i ask them: why do you care so much what other people do with their lives? are you that bored? do you feel that allowing others to marry will diminish YOUR marriage or your parents' marriage? and then why do you care so much what other people think? that is giving someone else a lot of power over your life. why go there?

basically, i have renamed this prop the "i am bored and think your life is more interesting than mine so i am going to butt into your business and be a control freak and tell you what you can and cannot do, even if that means taking away your fundamental rights." but i don't think that would fit on one of those little signs, so maybe just "butt out."

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