10 September 2008

crack she goes!

going on six? no, the seventh week of 60+ hour workweeks. emotionally, physically, mentally taxing field hours that seem to only dig me deeper into a hole. 12 hours of working on a sidewalk during a 90+ degree day. or possibly a musty, dark basement where you feel like a zombie when you see the light of day at dusk. today i got a break - outside work in the biting wind. (yes, believe it, i felt a "biting" wind in berkeley today. in the summer.) driller jokes always. stepped in dog poo this morning. (how i managed to get BOTH shoes, i'll never know. MAN i hate that smell!) crazies in berkeley yelling at me for closing the sidewalk. (um, to protect them maybe? and i have a friggin permit, people! oh boy, do i have permits like you wouldn't believe!!!) tenants yelling at my crew, calling us "outrageous, immoral and cruel." property management questioning whether my company truly has the environment in mind. (yeah, that one stung. wanna pay off my college loan?!) being asked to grow a third, a fourth limb is the easy task...comes behind convincing our subcontractors to redesign their toolsets. field cars breaking down. equipment not working. working multiple days to accomplish NADA. local thugs following me around the building, telling me how hot a woman in a hardhat is - "take my advice." a woman pulled her pants down and took a pee on the sidewalk yesterday. a hooker got picked up on our corner. fights break out at the donut shop across the street. daily. still haven't seen a gun...wait, that's coming. our inspector nearly got t-boned by a semi on the street two days ago.

funny. i went back to school for this.


i bought a mini cooper s. TURBO. red with black stripes. upgraded sound system. and it's gonna have a bike rack. :) eta november.

hopefully i get to drive it to tempe, right when it comes in...and never leave!

1 comment:

Marcy said...

I remember when Zach had a really long stretch of long hours like this, a few months in a row, crazy project, people working on christmas day, etc. It was not fun, for either of us. We kinda swore never again. It's inhuman to work such long hours. I hope it gets better for you soon. =(